History of Y’s Men Westport / Weston

Click here for a list of leaders from 1977 to current – note zoom in on the file.

The Y’s Men of Westport/Weston was organized in 1977 for the purposes of “enlightenment, fellowship and community service” for retired or semi-retired men. By 2013 the group had grown to over 415 members with weekly meetings on Thursday mornings featuring prominent guest speakers. Within the club, there are more than 34 groups focusing on activities reflecting the interests of its members that range from sports to book club, bridge, a global issues discussion group, photography, gardening, travel to support groups.

In November 1977 Charles Curtiss, Secretary of the Westport Chamber of Commerce and Matt Johnson, Executive Director of the YMCA, met with Dick Shirey, Cy Harriman, Ben Robbins, Fred Denham and Bruce Miller to organize a club for Westport’s retired men. They were united in their belief that retirement was to be enjoyed and not feared. They formed a temporary Board and held the first official meeting of the Y’s Men of Westport in the Bedford Room of the YMCA in January 1978, with nine men in attendance.

Enlightenment is nurtured at the regular Thursday morning meetings, featuring stimulating guest speakers on a wide range of subjects.

Fellowship starts with the coffee and donuts which precedes the start of the weekly meeting. It is strengthened through participation in the many organized activities and travel and events with fellow members and their womenfolk.

Community Service covers a multitude of activities including Meals on Wheels, delivering food to Westport community centers, assisting with community clean-up programs, driving the elderly to doctor appointments.

One cannot help but be impressed by the quality and diversity of our members. Before they retired, they were executives of major corporations, business owners, doctors, lawyers, engineers, government officials, airline pilots, teachers, publishers, musicians, artists, experts in computers, media, marketing, advertising, research and public relations.

Click here for a list of leaders from 1977 to current – note zoom in on the file.